Tell Us Your Story!
Over the past 20+ years, we have received thousands of handwritten letters from our customers, parents, grandparents and even young adults. While each letter is unique, they share a common theme. People want us to know that our product(s) have made a difference in their lives. They detail the struggles they have been through and the thrill of finally finding a product that works.
These letters are what keep us going. To know that we created a product, that helped someone gain more confidence in their own skin or helped a young girl with psoriasis, or helped a dog with a hot spot, it helps make the daily grind worth it.
We truly value each and every letter. So keep writing and sharing your story so we can keep creating products to help more people. Plus, we may even send you some free product for your effort.
Take a peek at some of our favorites:

“This TriDerma really works, I purchased this hoping it would work. Well, within seven to eight days flaking was gone, sores arounds nose, under chin, cheeks, under eyes, forehead was all gone. I have found a product that works. I will stick with TriDerma. Thanks.”
- Donald
P.S. I was in a mess, not anymore! TriDerma’s Psoriasis Control works!
“Thank you for developing this skin lotion for Eczema. I am a new member of the Eczema group. I started developing symptoms in March 2014. Before that, I had dry skin, but lotions helped then. And at the end of winter, my dry skin cleared up. But after winter this past year of 2014, the dry skin did not clear up. I noticed my hands first because they always returned to normal. Then in March, I started getting splotchy, red spots on my lower legs by my ankles. I tried all kinds of creams, lotions, antibiotic ointments, etc. and nothing helped. Then in October 2014, I got scaly skin formations that made the underneath skin hurt because the skin could not move or get air. The nurse told me that it was Eczema. I looked it up on the internet and found out what it was – not one skin dermatitis but several. So, I tried Gold Bond Eczema lotion, Eucerin lotion, and finally Curel. They helped some to soften the skin and make it pliable, but it did not help with the symptoms of itching, burning, stinging, pain, redness, or inflammation and swelling. Yesterday I went out to get another product advertised to calm the skin. I also noticed your product in the same area. I read the box and decided to try it. Oh yes, the price is very affordable too. I used it before I went to bed. It relieved the itching and made the skin feel good. When I got up in the middle of the night, I noticed it did not sting or burn and the swelling and inflammation were reduced. When I got up this morning, I still had no bad symptoms. I had a little dry spot showing through, and I peeled off one scale. Underneath the skin was healed and pink, instead of red. The legs were no longer swollen. No more burning, itching, or sensitivity of skin. Thank you so much for developing this product for people like me. It is a relief to have normal skin again.”
P.S. I wish I had found your lotion back in October. I would have saved a lot of pain and misery, thank you so much again for your fine product. I am 64 years old and I am new to the Eczema skin disorder.

“I have been desperately searching for a product to help with my Psoriasis and hadn’t found anything. Even well-known brands marketed to help, weren’t helping. Our local pharmacist recommended using the TriDerma brand for Psoriasis Control and it improved by at least 50% in just one short week. I will recommend to anyone suffering like I have. A wonderful product!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
- Chasity
“I do not have a computer, so I am sending my review to you. I am a lady, age 91. I have used the Bruise Cream and Intense Fast Healing Cream for probably 15 years or more. I am really sold on the products. I have even given them away. I was so pleased the way I was treated on the phone and the speed that the cream was sent to me. Thank you for taking care of me. I had fallen, hit my head and other parts of my body and I really appreciated the quickness I received the products. I almost cried when I saw them.”
Helen S.

“I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I break out with Psoriasis as a side effect of medicine. I have tried everything. TriDerma has really worked, totally stopped itching and redness. I have finally found something that works. Thank you.”
- Deborah
“I have had Psoriasis since I was 11 years old. My grandmother had it really bad, to where she had to buy real thick heavy nylon stockings. I am 64 years old now and I have tried so many different types of medicine to get rid of this in my life and it has cost me a lot of money. I have it on my knees and elbows, mostly and of course spots here and there. I have to tell you that I am so impressed with your product that I will use nothing else. I’m very pleased and it works wonderful on me. Thank you so very much.”
- Janet