Your Pet’s Skin Care Needs

Your Pet’s Skin Care Needs

18th Aug 2015

Everyone has skin care needs – even your pets. Our Intense Fast Healing Cream works wonders on not only your skin, but also on your furry friends! It’s a great alternative to prescription medicine from the vet (which can cost upwards to $100+) and helps support skin health fast and effectively. Here are just a few ways we incorporate our Intense Fast Healing into our pup’s skincare routine.

Hot spots – These are the result of an irritating skin condition affecting animals all the time. When your pet has hot spots, a patch of skin is irritated, inflamed, warm to the touch, and sometimes bloody and full of fluid. The area is usually extremely bothersome to animals so they lick it, bite it, rub it, and scratch it, making it even worse.

Flea bites – They itch and are such a nuisance to our pets. Some animals aren’t bothered by flea bites but others can develop a flea allergy which causes itching, pain, redness, inflammation which often times makes them scratch, bite and constantly aggravate the bite area. This can then cause more skin problems like excessive hair loss. It’s a vicious cycle and helping to maintain the symptoms is key.

Paw pad injuries – Your dog’s paws are some of the most toughest and hard-to-heal areas on the body. Paw pad injuries can happen to any of our pets simply by stepping on hot sand or concrete, running over sharp objects, chemical spills on the ground, etc. They hurt and can sometimes take a while to heal!

Just apply a dime size (more if needed) of Intense Fast Healing to each skin irritation, daily. If the irritation persists and does not get better, please seek medical attention at your local veterinarian.

Check out our video for even more ways you can use our Intense Fast Healing cream!